Prison 2 Prosperity Services

Prison 2 Prosperity Services

Take control of your finances and rebuild your life with free services designed specifically for reentry. From secure, no-fee bank accounts to credit monitoring and financial coaching, we’re here to provide the tools and support you need to succeed.

Take control of your finances and rebuild your life with free services designed specifically for reentry. From secure, no-fee bank accounts to credit monitoring and financial coaching, we’re here to provide the tools and support you need to succeed.

Reentry Services
Financial Education

Reentry services for financial success

finEQUITY provides free services to help justice-impacted community members reach their financial goals after incarceration.

Our services are available anytime through our website and are designed to support your unique needs. You can choose as many or as few options as you like.

We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us!

What we offer

Financial health services

Free financial coaching

Credit monitoring and building

Help with no-fee banking

Ongoing resources

Prison 2 Prosperity rewards program

*Note: This program is available only to participants from our Reentry Partners or residents of eligible ZIP codes. If you’re eligible, you should have received an email with an access code to join.

How it works

The Prison to Prosperity Rewards Program helps you earn rewards by achieving milestones and taking steps toward your financial goals.

Part 1: Earn your first reward by completing the first four financial health challenges within 90 days of enrollment. After that, you'll unlock the bonus challenge: a personalized action plan.

Part 2: Earn your second reward by completing all tasks in your personalized action plan within one month.

Reentry services for financial success

finEQUITY provides free services to help justice-impacted community members reach their financial goals after incarceration.

Our services are available anytime through our website and are designed to support your unique needs. You can choose as many or as few options as you like.

We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us!

What we offer

Financial health services

Free financial coaching

Credit monitoring and building

Help with no-fee banking

Ongoing resources

Prison 2 Prosperity rewards program

*Note: This program is available only to participants from our Reentry Partners or residents of eligible ZIP codes. If you’re eligible, you should have received an email with an access code to join.

How it works

The Prison to Prosperity Rewards Program helps you earn rewards by achieving milestones and taking steps toward your financial goals.

Part 1: Earn your first reward by completing the first four financial health challenges within 90 days of enrollment. After that, you'll unlock the bonus challenge: a personalized action plan.

Part 2: Earn your second reward by completing all tasks in your personalized action plan within one month.

Financial Education

Your voice matters! Contact us today!

Your voice matters! Contact us today!

Our team is here to help you with whatever you need! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Our team is here to help you with whatever you need! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

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Mailing address

41 Schermerhorn Street, Suite 1002, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Privacy Policy

finEQUITY is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 84-4391836.

Terms & Conditions

© 2025 finEQUITY

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Stay informed: subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and resources.

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Mailing address

41 Schermerhorn Street, Suite 1002, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Privacy Policy

finEQUITY is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 84-4391836.

Terms & Conditions

© 2025 finEQUITY